Tales of 4 Dialects The Musical
2015 klpac, 2016 Singapore, 2017 klpac
2015 klpac, 2016 Singapore, 2017 klpac
"Tales of 4 Dialects" is a unique musical journey through the sounds of our origins, giving new meaning to some of the beautiful Hakka, Teochew and Cantonese folk songs and oldies. It is also a tribute to our parents and grandparents.
"Tales of 4 Dialects" is a unique musical journey through the sounds of our origins, giving new meaning to some of the beautiful Hakka, Teochew and Cantonese folk songs and oldies. It is also a tribute to our parents and grandparents.
缘起|Why <Tales of 4 Dialects>?
我是客家人, 在家裡, 我們兄弟姐妹用客家話交談, 但下一代都不講客家話了, 最多也只是聽懂一點點。我媽媽常說:“好賣祖公屋,唔好賣祖公話”,當時, 大家聽了就算,也沒有當一回事。
去年媽媽去世,我很後悔媽媽在生時我沒把她常常挂在嘴邊的一些古老的客家說唱紀錄下來..... 如今再也聽不到了。而我現在僅能為媽媽做的就是儘量多把客家話 教給兩位幼小的侄子,這是我對媽媽的承諾。
再看看我身邊的朋友,很多也不說自己的方言了。會不會有那麼一天,我們完全 把它們遺忘了? 我突然覺得好像應該做些什麼。
《四籍家話》的概念因此誕生。我們希望把四個方言:客家、潮州、福建、廣東 的一些動聽的民謠及歌曲重新譜上新生命,讓它們來說我們的故事。也借此向我 們的父母,我們的祖輩致敬。
I’m from a Hakka family, we the brothers and sisters converse in Hakka but our next generation can only understand very little of our dialect. My mother always said: “it is okay to sell the ancestor’s home but never sell the voice of your ancestors.” We listened but did not pay much attention to it.
My mother passed away last year, I regret I didn’t record the sound of her reciting some old Hakka verses when she was alive... and now I will not be able to hear them anymore... and the only thing I could do now is to try my best to speak Hakka to my two little nephews in hope they will at least know our dialect, that’s my promise to my mother...
Then I look around, most of the people I know don’t really speak their dialects. I wonder what if one day all these ancient voices are lost forever. Perhaps we should do something about it...
Hence, the birth of the idea and concept for “Tales of 4 Dialects” – a unique musical journey through the sounds of our origins, giving new meanings to some of the beautiful Hakka, Hokkien, Teochew and Cantonese folk songs . It is also a tribute to our parents and grandparents.
去年媽媽去世,我很後悔媽媽在生時我沒把她常常挂在嘴邊的一些古老的客家說唱紀錄下來..... 如今再也聽不到了。而我現在僅能為媽媽做的就是儘量多把客家話 教給兩位幼小的侄子,這是我對媽媽的承諾。
再看看我身邊的朋友,很多也不說自己的方言了。會不會有那麼一天,我們完全 把它們遺忘了? 我突然覺得好像應該做些什麼。
《四籍家話》的概念因此誕生。我們希望把四個方言:客家、潮州、福建、廣東 的一些動聽的民謠及歌曲重新譜上新生命,讓它們來說我們的故事。也借此向我 們的父母,我們的祖輩致敬。
I’m from a Hakka family, we the brothers and sisters converse in Hakka but our next generation can only understand very little of our dialect. My mother always said: “it is okay to sell the ancestor’s home but never sell the voice of your ancestors.” We listened but did not pay much attention to it.
My mother passed away last year, I regret I didn’t record the sound of her reciting some old Hakka verses when she was alive... and now I will not be able to hear them anymore... and the only thing I could do now is to try my best to speak Hakka to my two little nephews in hope they will at least know our dialect, that’s my promise to my mother...
Then I look around, most of the people I know don’t really speak their dialects. I wonder what if one day all these ancient voices are lost forever. Perhaps we should do something about it...
Hence, the birth of the idea and concept for “Tales of 4 Dialects” – a unique musical journey through the sounds of our origins, giving new meanings to some of the beautiful Hakka, Hokkien, Teochew and Cantonese folk songs . It is also a tribute to our parents and grandparents.
观后感 |See what others are saying about <Tales of 4 Dialects>
请大家踊跃支持, 携家带幼一起来观赏! 坐在我旁边的小弟弟, 今年只有五岁, 满口英文, 他的婆婆问他看的明白吗?他说 no...but I like the music! 中场休息, 传进耳里的声音都是。。。very good....好看。。太好看了。。一定要呼朋唤友来。。。。。。(蒋珮珮 电视主持人)
一定要買票進場看 ,這個報導就是我 ,在他們總彩排的時候拍的 。當晚我只是看總採就已經好好看和好多回憶了。。。大家一定要去喔 !而且很適合帶阿嬤阿公 ,父母親去 ,讓他們回味下 ,想當年 。。。哈哈哈哈 (Ng Ling Ling, 星洲日报摄影记者)
周末去看了一部很享受的舞台演出!现场乐队很棒!演员个个都是唱家班!舞台与灯光设计处处惊喜!方言歌谣好动听啊!也许只有大马人才能打造出同一舞台同班演员用不同方言现场演出的效果。还能用中英字幕将每句歌词翻译得如此传神,佩服!这个周末还有!而且现场有传统家乡菜市集!#四籍家话 真好看!
(王彪民 PM Wang,电台DJ)
Am very much impressed by Asia Musical Productions' Tales of 4 Dialects @ klpac. I dare say it's a 'world class', culturally significant show with one of the strongest musical ensemble casts I've seen in a Malaysia production. If you're Hakka, Hokkien, Cantonese or Teochew, or even alien/banana/lain-lain (eng&chi subtitles available), and would like to listen to some beautifully arranged folk songs with singing and solid staging, there's still 1 show tonight and 2 more shows tomorrow. Parents and grandparents would love it. (Mae Chan, Reporter)
Tales of 4 Dialects is a charming take on retracing a turbulent past and finding hope in the everyday. Brought to life by a talented cast and brilliant musicians, the production's greatest strength lies in its effective storytelling and captivating performances. (Rouwen, Reporter)
那天看的是最后一场,真可惜,不然我真的呼吁大家一定要去看。它真的非常值得我们去看和支持。从开始到毕幕,它都让我很感动和震撼。它也唤起了我们对自己贯籍的那种情怀。看到哥哥的表演,让我这个妹妹也很以他为荣,因为他对这份艺术表演的付出和努力,就很真实的在我眼前上映。那天节目完毕后,我很想对他说出我心里的感动,但我还是无法面对着他说。但我还是无法就让它这么过去,所以今天我想借此说:哥哥,你们的表演真的很棒,同时也很心疼你们这些艺术表演者,就如编导说的在马来西亚它是一份不容易的工作,加上大家对它的认识不深入,所以自然支持的声音也不多。即使如此,但我那天还是看见了你们对这份工作的热爱和坚持的精神而感动! 加油!加油!
编导所编排的歌谣和剧情真的很贴切的把方言歌谣呈现出我们向祖辈们的致敬。让我深一步的了解到四籍的文化和精神。我真的看见有老一辈们在那天的反应,他们很感触也很激动的拍手赞好,那种共鸣的回馈让我知道你们的付出是伟大的,因为你们送给他们是一种珍贵的回忆和情怀!那天我还听见有一位uncle说: local art very good, we need support local art. 也因为那天我重新认识dancer的角色,以前总有一种错误的看法,总以为在台上表演的主角是灵魂人物,但那天我真的打破了我的看法,因为我发现dancers 的重要性,他们是点缀剧情的生动和真实。还有舞台剧的道具组,也让我大开眼界。再来还有乐队组,他们的音乐配合,真的可以打动人心。除了这些,也很感恩编导编了这么棒的四个不同籍的故事,她可以很细腻的把每一个细节都编排得很融洽。 如果这个"四籍家话"有加场的话,希望大家不要错过,它真的很超值,非常值得你带长辈或孩子去看的。很喜欢和认同编导说的一句话:好卖祖公田,晤卖祖公声。现今社会,老人家们为了迁就年轻一代,努力学习华文或英文,可是我们有没有想过他们心里的无奈,难道不是应该由我们去传承我们祖宗的声音吗? (Valley Tan)
很赞的一个演出。也许我不是那个年代的人,但是,我小时候的年代,的确是与那年代的尾端交叉的。由于我本身是广东人,但是却在客家村长大,妈妈又是福建人,所以我可以感受得到剧里的情节及歌曲,其实是经过特别的安排的,唤醒了我儿时几乎已忘记了的记忆。拍着拍着,当那妈妈唱歌来催那小孩睡觉时,我眼泪也留下来了,多么熟悉的一幕啊!还没买票的朋友啊, 赶快去买票吧,就让《四籍家话》帮你找回那些曾经记忆,让我们从新找回那颗感恩的心。感恩我们的祖先,我们的父母,辛辛苦苦的南下南洋,只为了给予我们更好的将来。再一次的感谢 #四籍家话 (Brian Choong, 摄影师)
很赞的一个演出。也许我不是那个年代的人,但是,我小时候的年代,的确是与那年代的尾端交叉的。由于我本身是广东人,但是却在客家村长大,妈妈又是福建人,所以我可以感受得到剧里的情节及歌曲,其实是经过特别的安排的,唤醒了我儿时几乎已忘记了的记忆。拍着拍着,当那妈妈唱歌来催那小孩睡觉时,我眼泪也留下来了,多么熟悉的一幕啊!还没买票的朋友啊, 赶快去买票吧,就让《四籍家话》帮你找回那些曾经记忆,让我们从新找回那颗感恩的心。感恩我们的祖先,我们的父母,辛辛苦苦的南下南洋,只为了给予我们更好的将来。再一次的感谢 #四籍家话 (Brian Choong, 摄影师)
我是客家人,你呢?:) (林瑞琪,电视主持人)
'The Four Dialects' is a timely heartwarming and memorable stage performance. Everyone involved in this musical production has amazingly 'wowed' the audience from start to finish. Personally, I enjoyed the singing, dancing and acting, which set the stage for a command performance. This was cleverly executed and brought home a strong message that the need to preserve our dialects and the rich heritage left behind by our forefathers has to be given serious thoughts. Thank you Asia Musical Productions for staging such an entertaining and uplifting musical! A special word of thanks to Alana Sim who contacted me personally regarding the purchase of tickets for retirees since the 'early bird' promotion had already ended. My friends and I were glad to meet you, although only briefly, after the performance. You have our support for future productions! (Chan Yoke Yee, Lecturer of New Era College)
一場感人肺腑、超水準的文化演出!讓我們得以體會先輩們秉持的傳統精神、價值觀、生活面貌以及為了我們這一輩所付出的血淚汗!那些耳熟能詳的方言歌謠及透過歌詞字裡行間傳達的精神和感情讓我感動得落下眼淚。我以會說潮州話為榮(雖然口音沒有婆婆阿姨純正--但遇見潮州人總覺得三分親!),也願方言及祖輩的精神能一代代傳承下去…… (Alicia Goh Siew Kiang)
The show was awesome! Didn't expect the dialect songs can be so interesting and touching. The live performance by the musician and performance are great! The best part is we were part of the audience who enjoy the show very much, thanks to you again for having us :)
I was invited to the opening of tis great show, it was so good n though i dont understand the other 2 dialect , luckily mandarin n english subtitile were displayed. Dont miss such wonderfu entertaining show, there will b 3 more days incl today: 22/11,28/11,29/11. Btw they put up stalls to sell snack food related to the 4 dialect, i enjoy the hakka n teowchew kueh!
Thank you so much for making this musical. I wasn't expecting much but I must say it's AWESOME.
Keep up the good work and may the next show and any upcoming shows be filled up with audiences.
Do keep me posted :) (Tevina)