AMP, Asia Musical Productions formerly known as Musical On Stage Productions and was founded by Ho Lin Huay in 1999. It has gathered a group of talented Malaysian with great enthusiasm in musical theatre. The company’s vision and goal is to produce top notch musicals, cultivate local talent to achieve international standards in musical theatres to the likeness of New York Broadway and London West End.
Asia Musical Productions have produced nine highly acclaimed and award-winning musicals including Siddhartha, Above Full Moon, The Perfect Circle I, II, III, Princess Wen Cheng (Jewel of Tibet), Kita, Singing Market, Tales of 4 Dialects, The Story of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Medicine Buddha. The company has performed in Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Indonesia, China and Taiwan with a turn-out of more than 1,000,000 audiences in total.
Predominantly with Asian themes, we are confident that these musicals will inspire the Malaysian audience as well as audience around the world.
亚洲音乐剧制作的前身是自在音乐舞台工作室. 由何灵慧成立于一九九九年,它集合了一群热爱音乐剧的马来西亚艺术人才,宗旨是在马来西亚创作拥有国际水准的音乐剧,籍此同时推广表演艺术以及为本地艺术工作者提供更多更大的表演空间,并带领马来西亚音乐剧迈向国际。
Asia Musical Productions have produced nine highly acclaimed and award-winning musicals including Siddhartha, Above Full Moon, The Perfect Circle I, II, III, Princess Wen Cheng (Jewel of Tibet), Kita, Singing Market, Tales of 4 Dialects, The Story of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Medicine Buddha. The company has performed in Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Indonesia, China and Taiwan with a turn-out of more than 1,000,000 audiences in total.
Predominantly with Asian themes, we are confident that these musicals will inspire the Malaysian audience as well as audience around the world.
亚洲音乐剧制作的前身是自在音乐舞台工作室. 由何灵慧成立于一九九九年,它集合了一群热爱音乐剧的马来西亚艺术人才,宗旨是在马来西亚创作拥有国际水准的音乐剧,籍此同时推广表演艺术以及为本地艺术工作者提供更多更大的表演空间,并带领马来西亚音乐剧迈向国际。