The Story of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
《遇見觀音》音樂劇 23 - 25 December 2016 @ KLPAC, Pentas 1 簡介 | SYNOPSIS1999年《釋迦牟尼佛傳》音樂劇的空前演出轟動全馬,更成為佛教藝術的里程碑。2016年,由何靈慧導演帶領馬來西亞表演藝術界的頂尖人才,懷著同樣虔誠崇敬的心呈獻《遇見觀音》,以動人心弦的歌舞及現代唯美的劇場效果,透過四個故事:“妙善公主”、“魚籃觀音”、“不肯去觀音”及“水月觀音”,體現觀世音菩薩的大慈大悲、救苦救難的偉大精神。 The world premiere of Siddhartha The Musical in 1999 was a milestone in Buddhist performing arts. Many were inspired and moved to tears by the journey of Prince Siddhartha who gave up a life of prestige and wealth to go in search of truth in life, and eventually became The Buddha. Since then, writer-director Ho Lin Huay had created the very successful Princess Wen Cheng, Above Full Moon and many more. Come this December 2016, Lin Huay will lead her talented team of cast and production team to present another groundbreaking performance, The Story of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. We invite you to come and join us in this enriching and inspiring experience. |