20週年慈善演唱會晚宴 1999年10月22日晚上8點,一擊莊嚴鐘聲響徹吉隆坡武吉加裏爾室內體育館,也開啟了我們二十年既艱辛又幸福的音樂劇之路。 花開花落,人來人去,緣聚緣散,但初心不變,感動依然。 今天我們老少齊歡聚,回顧這些帶給我們很多美好回憶的音樂劇:《釋迦牟尼佛傳》、《天心月圓》、《雪域上的光芒:文成公主》、《圓滿的生命》、《KITA》、《花啦啦歌舞團》、《四籍家話》、《遇見觀音》、以及《藥師如來》。 2019年,正是我們美好的雙十年華。與此同時也為籌募新紀元大學學院第二校園發展與建設基金盡一分力。 20th Anniversary Charity Dinner Concert It was 22 October 1999. The sound of the first strike of a standing bell marked the world premiere of Siddhartha the musical, also the beginning of a challenging yet beautiful musical journey. Year after year, people come and go, but one thing has never changed - the as passion and passion since day one. This night, we gather the seniors and the young, to celebrate and look back at the wonderful 20 years of musicals: Siddhartha, Above Full Moon, Princess Wen Cheng, The Perfect Circle, Kita, Singing Market,Tales of 4 Dialects, The Story of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Medicine Buddha. Well, 20 years is a beautiful age, thank you for coming to be a witness of our story! Your presence had supported the fundraising for building and development of New Era University College 2nd Campus. |