Medicine Buddha The Musical
November 16 -18 at Stadium Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur
November 16 -18 at Stadium Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur
Medicine Buddha has unbiased compassion for all living beings. Known as the Buddha Doctor, He protects living beings from physical and mental sickness and other dangers and obstacles, and helps them to eradicate the three poisons – attachment, hatred, and ignorance – which are the source of all sickness and danger.
The twelve vows taken by Medicine Buddha, while He was a Bodhisattva, offers a healing experience that benefits all beings. He has vowed that He would defer his transition to Buddhahood until the day he had completed the purification and perfection of the pure land.
Medicine Buddha The Musical highlights the twelve vows and their powerful healing effect through inspiring stories, live music, songs and dances. Featuring a ground breaking 360 degree stage design with creative presentation of sound, light and multimedia, more than 100 talented cast and crew, it was a rare and exquisite experience for everyone!
“將濟世之事, 付與東方之藥師。” 娑婆世界的芸芸眾生每日生活在三界火宅之中, 倍受生、老、病、死、愛別離、怨憎會、求不得、五盛蘊八苦的煎熬,在生理和心理上苦不堪言,所以很多人都嚮往在有生之年離苦得樂,得到當下解脫。而藥師如來可謂身心二病皆治,所以非常殊勝。
The twelve vows taken by Medicine Buddha, while He was a Bodhisattva, offers a healing experience that benefits all beings. He has vowed that He would defer his transition to Buddhahood until the day he had completed the purification and perfection of the pure land.
Medicine Buddha The Musical highlights the twelve vows and their powerful healing effect through inspiring stories, live music, songs and dances. Featuring a ground breaking 360 degree stage design with creative presentation of sound, light and multimedia, more than 100 talented cast and crew, it was a rare and exquisite experience for everyone!
“將濟世之事, 付與東方之藥師。” 娑婆世界的芸芸眾生每日生活在三界火宅之中, 倍受生、老、病、死、愛別離、怨憎會、求不得、五盛蘊八苦的煎熬,在生理和心理上苦不堪言,所以很多人都嚮往在有生之年離苦得樂,得到當下解脫。而藥師如來可謂身心二病皆治,所以非常殊勝。